

Strategy for scaling sustainable landscape solutions for people and planet report cover

1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People Strategy for Scaling Sustainable Landscape Solutions for People and Planet

Commonland, Conservation International, EcoAgriculture Partners, Landscape Finance Lab, Rainforest Alliance, Tech Matters

Recovering from the human and economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic will require monumental investments and society-wide efforts. This presents a generational opportunity to ‘build back better’ with nature and people at the center.

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A Practical Guide to Integrated landscape Management

Commonland, Conservation International, EcoAgriculture Partners, Landscape Finance Lab, Rainforest Alliance, Tech Matters

Working towards ILM requires reaching agreement on a shared landscape vision and strategy among stakeholders who have different and sometimes competing priorities, often with diverse interests, perspectives, influence, cultures and languages, and sometimes with histories of conflict. Though each landscape is singular, LPs all encounter common challenges in carrying out collaborative action. To make the process easier, more effective and more inclusive, the 1000L initiative offers this Practical Guide to ILM. The guide provides a generic, locally adaptable, conceptual process and practical guidance for carrying out ILM.

Strategy for scaling sustainable landscape solutions for people and planet report cover

1000 Paisajes para mil millones de personas: Guía Práctica Para La Gestión integrada del paisaje

Commonland, Conservation International, EcoAgriculture Partners, Landscape Finance Lab, Rainforest Alliance, Tech Matters

Esta guía describe cada uno de los cinco elementos del proceso de gestión integrada del paisaje. Para cada elemento, ilustramos de dos a cuatro resultados concretos que las LP pueden generar para demostrar el progreso, y brindamos materiales fundamentales para compartir con sus asociados.

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Guia Prático para a Gestão Integrada de Paisagens

Commonland, Conservation International, EcoAgriculture Partners, Landscape Finance Lab, Rainforest Alliance, Tech Matters

O Guia Prático para a Gestão Integrada de Paisagens apresenta um processo adaptativo, colaborativo e iterativo para ajudar as partes interessadas a gerar mudanças transformacionais em suas paisagens.

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Integrated Landscape Management Tool Guide

Commonland, Conservation International, EcoAgriculture Partners, Landscape Finance Lab, Rainforest Alliance, Tech Matters

Working towards ILM requires reaching agreement on a shared landscape vision and strategy among stakeholders who have different and sometimes competing priorities, often with diverse interests, perspectives, influence, cultures and languages, and sometimes with histories of conflict. Though each landscape is singular, LPs all encounter common challenges in carrying out collaborative action.  A companion to the Practical Guide, this Tool Guide is a compilation of more than 100 practical tools and resources that support collaborative landscape planning and action. The guide’s purpose is to equip practitioners in the field with usable, practical tools and resources they may use to carry out ILM.

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A Blueprint for Landscape Enterprise Networks

David Hecht, EcoAgriculture Partners

Landscape Enterprise Networks (LENs) create marketplaces that enable large corporations and government agencies (the demand-side) to identify and co-fund regenerative activities that address their core needs and shared risks in a landscape. To facilitate trade contracts, LENs break down landscape priorities into bite-sized transactable chunks within these landscapes.