With increasing impacts on food and water security, agricultural production and landscape health, the need for climate action has never been more urgent. The UNFCCC COP 27 will take place from Nov. 7-18 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The conference aims to bring together global leaders to accelerate global climate action through emissions reduction, scaled-up adaptation efforts and enhanced flows of appropriate finance.
Join 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People as we attend the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and call on policymakers, governments and local leaders to adopt climate-positive landscape-level transformation. Along with World Vision International and core partner Rainforest Alliance, 1000L will co-host the side event, A Spotlight on Natural Climate Solutions: Scaling Land Restoration to Benefit People and Nature. Our team will also join Rainforest Alliance in the Blue Zone from Nov. 16-17 to showcase the latest tools and resources available to help leaders strengthen their landscapes in the fight against climate change.
Let us know if you plan to attend. We’d love to see you in Sharm el-Sheikh!
Contact us at mkeller@ecoagriculture.org to tell us if you’re coming, and check back here often to see the updated list of landscape-focused UNFCCC side events.
1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People Side Events
12 November
Deploying Finance to 1000 landscapes by 2030
Location: UNDP Sustainable Finance Pavilion main stage
Organizations: 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People, Climate-KIC, EcoAgriculture Partners, Rainforest Alliance.
Through ‘Integrated landscape finance’, local partnerships design a multi-sector set of landscape investments, coordinated to achieve regeneration at scale, and secure the diverse financing needed for these investments. The 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People initiative is a ‘radical collaboration’ of organizations working to strengthen landscape partnerships. 1000L partners have identified key building blocks for an effective system of integrated landscape finance, aiming to meet climate and SDGs in 1000 landscapes. Speakers will describe the approach, and the collaborative roadmap under development to catalyze finance system innovation and scaling. Participants are invited to contribute to the strategy.
Moderator: Caroline van Leenders, Govt of the Netherlands
- Working with landscape partnerships to Implement the Exponential Roadmap for Natural Climate
Solutions through landscape partnerships
TBC, Conservation International - Landscape-wide investment for sustainable development—strategies and impact assessment
Jeff Milder, Rainforest Alliance - 1000L collaborative roadmap for scaling integrated landscape finance
Daniel Zimmer, Climate-KIC - Finance mechanisms for integrated landscape-wide investment
Paul Chatterton, Landscape Finance Lab - Leslie Johnston – Chief Executive Officer – Laudes Foundation
16 November
Livelihoods with Nature: Scaling Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration through a Community-led, Landscape Approach for Climate Solutions
Location: Osiris Room, Blue Zone
Participants and Panelists: Corinne Moser (lead), Daniel Zimmer, Paul Chatterton (panelist), Mike Keller, Nico Janssen (IKEA Foundation) (panelist)
Small-scale conservation and restoration projects, like those aimed at boosting livelihoods in rural areas, run the risk of failure when they neither account for the scales at which ecosystems operate nor the socioeconomic needs of local communities.
The 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People (1000L) initiative offers a community-led approach that looks holistically at the whole landscape to link individual livelihood improvement with ecosystem restoration. 1000L’s sustainable landscape management framework focuses on empowering and supporting local actors to join in cooperative landscape partnerships, where individuals manage activities and diverse natural resources across the landscape to enhance synergies between stakeholders and reduce competitive trade-offs.
Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is a successful and low-cost land restoration technique that seeks to account for people and nature simultaneously. 1000L offers a clear pathway to scale up FMNR to be a significant contributor to climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. This is the enabling environment FMNR needs to move from individual practitioners to entire regions. FMNR practiced at the landscape level and across multiple landscapes would produce significant gains in natural carbon sequestration by actively regrowing tree biomass and rebuilding soil while decreasing deforestation pressure.
This panel will showcase how landscape approaches offer a scaling up pathway for proven land restoration techniques like FMNR and their contribution to achieving climate goals through : 1. Helping communities adapt and become more resilient 2. Restoring ecosystems to provide more ecological services 3. Financing climate change mitigation and adaptation plans that also boost livelihoods.
Partner Events
Conservation International Events
Side Event: Inclusive Partnerships to Address the Climate and Biodiversity Crisis: Key Recommendations on How to Build a Direct Finance Model for IPLCS
Date: 9 November
Local time: TBC
Panelists: Chloe Hans-Barrientos (DGM Global Planning, Monitoring, and Reporting Director); Johnson Cerda (DGM Global Senior Director); Elijah Toirai (Lead, Communities and Natural Climate Solutions)
Location: TBC
Side Event: Building Resilience in East African Community and Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities
Date: 11 November
Local time: 16:45-18:15
Panelists: Giacomo Fedele (Adaptation Strategy Director); Elijah Toirai (Lead, Communities and Natural Climate Solutions)
Partner organizations: East African Community, African Centre for Technology Studies; Frankfurt School of Economy
Location: Side Event Room 9
Event Description: This event will illustrate how the East African Community region and Sub-Saharan Africa are implementing nature-based adaptation and the opportunities and challenges in financing such options. It will also highlight options for leveraging local knowledge to build leadership for strengthening adaptation.
Side Event: Landscapes for life: Demonstrating inclusive, just and resilient transformation of the land use sector – Marrakech Partnership Land Use Day event
Date: 12 November
Local time: TBC
Speaker: Michael Wolosin (Managing Director, NCS Roadmap)
Location: TBC
Event Description: Glasgow’s Climate Pact is an urgent call to exponentiate efforts to increase resilience and curtail emissions across all sectors in a just and equitable manner. The only way to do that is if all actors rethink their strategies to make them substantially more ambitious. The objective of the event is to unpack what this means for the land use sector. CI’s Michael Wolosin will provide opening remarks on the current state of the world’s ecosystems in the context of climate change, based on the Exponential Roadmap for NCS.
Side Event: Exponential Roadmap for Natural Climate Solutions
Date: 12 November
Local Time: 13:00-14:00
Location: Nature Zone Pavilion
Speaker: Michael Wolosin (Managing Director, NCS Roadmap)
Event Description: We simply will not avert runaway climate change without urgent action to protect and restore nature. Join Conservation International to hear about “The Exponential Roadmap for Natural Climate Solutions,” new research that charts the course for how we can – and must – slash agriculture and land sector emissions to net zero by 2030, by maximizing land use pathways available now to keep global warming to 1.5 C and secure a 10 gigaton net sink in emissions by 2050.
Partner Organizations: TIME CO2
Side Event: Unlocking Climate Finance to Support High Forest Low Deforestation Regions in Africa and America
Date: 17 November
Local Time: 9:00-10:00
Location: Nature Zone Pavilion
Speaker/Participant: Gustavo Souza (America’s Policy and Climate Director); Jason Funk (REDD+ Strategy Director)
Event Description: This event will focus on how to advance policy pathways for High forest, Low Deforestation Developing Countries (HFLD) and jurisdictions with high irrecoverable carbon to access climate finance. Practical examples from national and subnational governments (TBC) will be presented as case studies.
Rainforest Alliance Events
Side Event: Conserving forests and enhancing food security in the Congo Basin
Date: 15 November
Local Time: 18:00
Location: Food4Climate Pavilion
Panelists: Nadège Nzoyem (Director, Central Africa, Rainforest Alliance), Corinne Moser (specialist, Integrated Landscape Management), representative of Commission des Forêts d’Afrique (COMIFAC), representative of indigenous people/ and-or private sector
Event Description: Rainforest Alliance promotes stewardship of tropical forests by the people who live around them, helping farmers and forest communities manage their agricultural land and forest resources sustainably for livelihood improvements and the conservation of the natural ecosystem. Critically, RA also builds their capacity to develop enterprises and reach markets. Based on a decade of experience, the panel will discuss success factors and challenges in creating viable and durable enterprises that incentivize forest conservation, increase food security, and include women and indigenous people.
Side Event: Rainforest Alliance in Ghana
Date: 9 November
Local Time: TBC
Location: Ghana Pavilion
Event Description: Working in three priority landscapes in Ghana, the Landscape and Environmental Agility across the Nation (LEAN) project implements Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) models through functional and sustainable agricultural and forest management practices, market incentives, and diversified income-generating activities. The overall objective of the program is to directly contribute to the national efforts of biodiversity conservation, improve livelihoods of smallholder farmers, increase climate change resilience and reduce emissions from land use changes. The event will explore progress and successes of the project thus far and share knowledge and lessons the project has harvested in climate change mitigation efforts and how this feeds into the global objective of addressing climate change.
Landscape Finance Lab Event Participation
Side Event: Peatlands’ role in climate change, and business; role in protecting it
Date: 12 November
Local Time: 13:30 – 14:30
Location: WMBC Pavillion, Blue Zone
1000L Speaker/Participant: Paul Chatterton, Landscape Finance Lab
Side Event: Breakthrough Lab: Catalysing action on protecting our game-changing ecosystem: peatlands
Date: 12 November
Local Time: TBC
Organizers: Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action: Climate Champions Team, Climate Catalyst, the Global Peatland Initiative and other partners (TBD)
1000L Speaker/Participant: Paul Chatterton Landscape Finance Lab
Side Event: Nature-based solutions for Freshwater ecosystem restoration and climate resilience
Date: 15 November
Local Time: 15:30 – 16:30
Location: Water Pavilion
Organizers: FAO, Wetlands 111.1, AUC 92.1/92.3, French Water Partnership 74.2, Ministry of Ag 42.2, GIZ 44.3
1000L Partner Speaker/Participant: Paul Chatterton, Landscape Finance Lab
Other Events of Interest
Side Event: Regen10: Opportunities to Scale Regenerative Food Systems for People, Nature and Climate
Date: 10 November
Local Time: 11:30-12:30
Organizers: Regen10
Event Description: This event will celebrate the inception of Regen10, a global community aiming to answer this question and learn how best to shift to regenerative food systems. We are drawing on the expertise and experience of food producers, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, business networks, landscape stewards and existing initiatives.
Looking for more COP27 events of interest? Check out our curated list here.