1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People

Sustainable Landscape Solutions for People and Planet

The Practical Guide to Integrated Landscape Management

Are you a land user looking for tools to help your landscape thrive?

The Practical Guide to Integrated Landscape Management is your roadmap to landscape transformation

Introducing Landscapes in Action

We can have a healthier planet and more properous people if we work together. See how a landscape partnership in Lari, Kenya is opening the door to a better tomorrow.

Farmers shaking hands in field

Bringing Efforts Together

The sustainability of our people and planet depends on a shared foundation of land and water resources.

To be successful, we need to generate solutions in landscapes together, moving towards the same goals for climate, biodiversity, food, sustainable economies and so much more.

Our Goal

By 2030, Landscape Partnerships are delivering sustainable landscape solutions across 1000 landscapes for 1 billion peopleā€“contributing powerfully to Sustainable Development Goals and aligning actions to meet global targets for addressing food and water insecurity, biodiversity loss, land degradation and climate change.

Our Strategy

Through five interconnected services 1000L will provide the tools, finance and connections that Landscape Partnerships need to achieve their visions.


Terraso Digital Landscape Platform:

Mobile-first tools to drive results


Community Catalyst:

Sharing knowledge and building connections


Landscape Capacity Development:

Mainstreaming landscape thinking and practice

finance solutions

Landscape Finance Solutions:

Shifting financial flows

Global network

Global Hub:

Harmonizing our efforts

Our Shared Vision for Thriving Landscapes

Each landscape is unique. But all face common challenges for collective action. The 1000L partners share a vision for thriving landscapes worldwide, known as Integrated Landscape Management.